How to Get Verified on Instagram

Do you want to get verified on Instagram in just 5 minutes? If yes, then you’re at the right place. In this blog post, we will outline the steps you need to take and the reasons why verification is important for your business or personal brand. We all know that there are uncountable benefits of gaining this coveted blue check mark. So keep reading to learn more because after getting this verification badge, your business game will change forever. 

Reasons Why You Should Get Verified On Instagram

As Instagram continues to grow in popularity, more and more brands are looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is to get verified on Instagram. While the process of becoming verified can be time-consuming, there are several reasons that make it worth the effort. 

  • First, verification provides a valuable trust signal to potential customers. When people see that your brand has been verified by Instagram, they are more likely to trust your account and consider doing business with you. 
  • Second, verification can help you to avoid imposters and scams. By verifying your account, you can be sure that people are interacting with the real you and not a fake account created by someone with malicious intent. 
  • Third, verification can help you to reach a wider audience. When people see that your account is verified, they are more likely to follow you and see your content in their feed.
  • Fourth, verification can help you to get access to special features on Instagram. For example, verified accounts can add links to their Stories, which can be a valuable way to drive traffic to your website or blog. 
  • Finally, verification can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. There’s no doubt that becoming verified on Instagram requires work, but it’s a great way to let people know that your brand is legitimate and trustworthy.

Step-by-Step Guide On How To Get Verified on Instagram

If you’re holding out on getting verified on Instagram, now is the time to take action. Instagram verification is the process of getting the blue check mark on your profile to tell the other users that your profile is original and authenticated by Instagram. Follow the following steps and make sure you have all the requirements ready before filling out a verification request form. 

Step # 1: Go to Your Profile

After opening the Instagram app, you must go to your “profile.”

Step # 2: Tap the “Hamburger” icon

After opening the profile, the next step is to tap the “Hamburger” icon on the top right corner of your profile (three horizontal lines).

Step # 3: Go to “Settings” 

After tapping on the hamburger icon, a list will open. From this list, tap “Settings.”

Step # 4: Go to Your “Account” 

When you tap settings, a new list will open. From that list, tap on “Account” to open a new list of actions related to your account.

Step # 5: Tap the “Request verification”  button

From the list opened in the previous step, tap the request verification button. A form will be opened where you will be asked to apply for Instagram verification.

Step # 6: Fill out the “Application Form” 

The last step is to fill in the information required in the application form. Provide your “Full name” and select the “document type,” e.g., Government issued ID for individuals or Utility Bills for businesses. After review and approval from Instagram, you will get a verification badge.

6 Benefits Of Getting Verified On Instagram

Verified accounts on Instagram receive a number of benefits that can be helpful for business growth and development. Here are six reasons why you should consider getting verified:

1. Verified accounts have a higher chance of appearing in search results. This means that more people will be able to find and follow your account.

2. Verified accounts also receive special treatment from Instagram’s algorithms. This means that your posts are more likely to be seen by people who follow you.

3. Having a verified account also gives you access to special features, such as exclusive filters and stickers.

4. Verified accounts are considered to be more trustworthy and credible. This can help to build trust with potential customers or clients.

5. Getting verified can also help to increase brand awareness and reach. Having a blue tick next to your name makes you more noticeable and recognizable.

6. Finally, being verified gives you a sense of prestige and status. It shows that you’ve made it as an influencer or business on Instagram.

If you’re looking to take your Instagram account to the next level, then verification is definitely worth considering. 

Final Words

Trust is a powerful tool that humans use when making decisions, and by verifying your Instagram account, you are telling potential customers that you are trustworthy and worth their time. So if you’re not already verified, what are you waiting for? Follow the steps laid out in this blog post and enjoy all the benefits of being an official influencer or brand on Instagram.